What You Need to Know About Sign Fixings

Have you ever heard of sign fixings? This is essentially the hardware or other items that are used to mount or stabilise signs, and this is also a term used when determining the mounting options of notice boards and such as well. Most people only think in terms of the board or the sign, without giving careful consideration to how that sign or board will be mounted, which is usually a very big mistake. Here are some things that you need to know.

- Mounting Options - This is very important in determining what type of hardware you need. There are essentially two mounting options - mounted or un-mounted. Obviously, if your sign or board will be mounted, it will be on a wall, whether that wall is interior or exterior. If it is un-mounted, however, there are various options available, such as fixed poles or posts, caster frames, or large stand-alones.

- Sign Fixings for Stabilisation - The mounting options that you choose, and the hardware used for that mounting will be greatly determined by how much stability is required, and how much stability the various options offer you. Think carefully about how much stabilisation is required, and consider where the sign or board will be mounted as well. For some mounting options, studs must be present in the wall. For other options, this won't matter at all.

Adhesive Options - Adhesive options are very good for a number of situations. For example, if your sign or board will only be affixed temporarily, and you do not want traces of the sign or the hardware used to secure it left behind, adhesive is a great option, as long as you aren't using permanent adhesives. Two sided tape is the most common type of adhesive used in this situation. Adhesive options do not require the presence of studs.

- Screw and Bracket Sign Fixings - This is the most secure option available for affixing signs and notice boards. Screws and brackets can be used on walls with studs, or with pole mounting options as well. Of course, in the case where the mounting is being done to a wall, you should note that there will be small holes, and possibly other marks, left behind should the sign or board and the hardware be removed at some point.

- Magnetic Options - This is a popular option, because magnets can be very strong. Of course, this requires a magnetic surface, or the use of magnets and magnetic surfaces attached to a wall and the back of the sign or board that is to be placed on the wall. The best use for this option, because of this, is a surface that is already magnetised. Of course, the weight of your sign or board will also be a determining factor concerning this option as well.

While you should consider your options carefully, and know what is needed at the time that you order your sign or board, it is important to realise that you can use just about any option that you want when it comes to sign fixings, as most signs and boards are available for all fixation options.

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